

Arduino 4 Digit LED 7-Segment Countdown Timer

Arduino 4 Digit LED 7-Segment Countdown Timer based on Arduino MEGA will be shown in this post.  For LCD version of this design follow this link. Similar project that uses PIC16F876 MCU can be found at this link. Raspberry Pi ...

LED Battery Level Indicator Arduino

LED Battery Level Indicator can be built using Arduino UNO board and 10 LEDs. Similar design that uses 2x16 LCD display can be found at this link. RGB LED variant is here. For Raspberry Pi version click here. I/O lines ...

7-Segment Display Counter with Arduino

Recently I’ve published a basic Binary to Hexadecimal converter design based on Atmega 2560 chip. The same set up can be used for building a simple UP/Down counter with Arduino Mega compatible board. 7-Segment display and its I/O stayed the same ...

7-Segment LED Display PCF8574 I2C Arduino

Adding a serial data transfer capability to a 7-Segment LED Display can be done by using PCF8574 I/O Port expander with I2C interface. Arduino UNO controls the PCF8574 by sending display codes for each segment. Similar circuit based on PIC16F876 ...

LCD Digital Alarm Clock Arduino

Digital Alarm Clock based on Arduino MEGA board and 2x16 LCD display is the topic of this post. Similar design based on Raspberry Pi can be found at this link. For PIC16F877 version click here. This design should also work ...

Arduino Photoresistor Relay Control with PCF8591 Module

Relay controlled by light intensity can be implemented using Arduino UNO compatible board. In this case Keyestudio UNO R3 and AD/DA module with PCF8591 chip. Similar simpler design is available here. On this particular module a photoresistor and a potentiometer ...

LM75A Digital Temperature Sensor Arduino

LM75A is a digital temperature sensor with built in analog to digital converter and I2C interface .It can provide an accurate temperature reading from -55 to +125 C. For similar design based on analog LM35 sensor click here. Also a ...

8×8 LED Matrix chaser Arduino

8x8 LED Matrix chaser based on Arduino MEGA compatible board will be presented in this post. It uses a LED dot matrix display module with two 74HC595 shift register chips connected in serial to control the LED output. Similar design ...

I2C Serial LCD Interface Module Arduino

In this post I’m going to show you how to use a Serial I2C Interface Module to control 2x16 LCD display with Arduino. For similar design using PIC16F876 click this link. Instead of using 8 or 4 bit parallel connection ...

LCD Countdown Timer Arduino

This post is about building a 3-digit countdown timer based on Arduino MEGA. Up/Down counter also available at this link. The timer will wait for 3-digit number to be entered via 4x3 keypad and then start counting down to zero ...